
Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Brussels sprouts

These little green gems are every where at the moment, people will tell you they either hate them or love them. Well I love them or at least I love them when they are cooked simply with Irish butter and a little water. I hate them when you have to prepair them for boiling whole. Or should I say boiling all the goodness out of them.
So my friends this is simple, get hold of a bag of your now favourite vegetable, cut them in half straight through the stalk, place the flat part on the chopping board and as finely as you can slice them.
Now put your shredded sprouts into a sauce pan with a knob of butter, salt, pepper and a little bit of water, put them on a high heat and cook until the butter melts. Two minutes no more, Eat at once.
So now that should take the burden out of cooking Brussels sprouts..

Q. tip: When I say a little bit of water that is exactly what I mean.

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